Health & Safety

These are free, online, half-day tutorials aimed at encouraging women members to consider the role of safety rep.


We have been contacted by Laura Wright, Trainee Forensic Psychologist who is conducting a study to explore experiences of prison officer grades who have been exposed to critical incidents at work, and to understand any risk or protective factors involved in the development of symptoms associated with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

At Annual Conference 2024 in Eastbourne the following Motion was carried.

This webinar will equip health and safety reps with the skills to protect their colleagues from climate change-related hazards.


The TUC is running some introductory courses for Black union members which are free, online, open to any Black member of a TUC affiliated union.

The TUC are running a free online course for young union members in June entitled ‘An introduction to the role of union health and safety rep’, tutored by the excellent Dave Smith.

In 2015 at Blackfriars Crown Court, Lorraine Barwell, a 54-year-old grandmother, was kicked twice, once in the body and once in the head, during the restraint of a prisoner in custody. She died from brain injuries caused by the second blow.

Like all infections, a national problem becomes a bigger problem within the prison system because of the close proximity we have with each other and with prisoners.


It is important for employees to report any injury or near miss as soon as possible.

The TUC have reintroduced an introductory session regarding the role of the Health and Safety Rep aimed exclusively at young union members.

Representing over 30,000 Prison, Correctional and Secure Psychiatric Workers, the POA is the largest UK Union in this sector, able to trace its roots back more than 100 years.