News Room

Heed the warnings of frontline staff or suffer the consequences of your failures


In my article this month I want to focus and remind members and local committees of the provisions of the Civil Service Management Code (CSMC)


Following the promulgation of Branch Secretary Circular 29/2018 eligible branches in England and Wales conducted a workplace ballot.


Please find attached the H&S toolkit and checklist for employers and workers, part of the Under the COSHH campaign.


At a time when the government spin machine is in full swing and headline announcements have dominated the press, apparently, the Prisons Minister Rory Stewart is going to resign if prison safety does not improve.


At the point of writing this article the TUC will be commencing its historic 150th Anniversary in Manchester


Please find attached documents relating to the SPS proposal which is going out to ballot.


See the Prison Service Pay Review Body Eighteenth Report on England and Wales 2019 attached below

Please find the Proposal for Reform of Agenda for Change in NHS Scotland attached below.


The POA might have been hard-hit by anti-union legislation, but Steve Gillan is confident that, with a new strategy, it is well placed to defend and protect its members


Representing over 30,000 Prison, Correctional and Secure Psychiatric Workers, the POA is the largest UK Union in this sector, able to trace its roots back more than 100 years.