Having never attended a TUC conference or a POA conference before I was apprehensive about what to expect when I responded to a request for delegates to join the LGBT+ Conference. Without prior knowledge of what to expect I still decided to apply to attend. As well as being the Northeast and Yorkshire Area Lead for the staff Network PiPP, Pride in Prison and Probation, diversity and inclusion, ensuring that everybody can come to work and be proud of who they are is my passion.

Leading up to the conference everything I needed was provided to me, including the documents for the conference and accommodation details. All I needed to arrange was my travel, the process could not have been simpler and there was nothing I was left in the dark about.

On the day of the conference itself was a different matter, I was not expecting the number of delegates from different trade unions. The street outside the TUC was flooded with people who were attending, wearing their different trade union T-shirts, holding flyers, handing out newsletters and there was a real buzz in the air. You could feel that the people who were there really wanted to make a difference and the atmosphere was exciting!

When I finally found the other delegates from the POA I can honestly say that they were all very welcoming towards me, the conference newbie. Once we were seated and the conference had started it was a very emotional and thought-rousing day. Lots of delegates shared their personal stories of how their LGBT+ status had seen them discriminated against and victimised for being who they are, not just in the workplace but also in their daily lives. For those in attendance who were not from the LGBT+ community, I got the feeling that for them, it was a real eye opener into the LGBT+ community, even as allies, as they were truly in astonishment at the troubles, the barriers, and the hurdles that the LGBT+ community still face in 2022.

The evening of the first day we were provided with a social event where delegates from all the trade unions where able to mingle and socialise. This was well received, not just for the drinks vouchers but as it gave us a safe space to share our thoughts and consider what, as a service, we can do to better support our LGBT+ colleagues. The second day was again, a highly thought-provoking day with guest speakers from the US, and delegates speaking openly again on current matters.

The experience of attending the conference was fantastic and my only regret is that I did not join fellow delegates on the podium to second a motion. Now I have experienced a TUC conference I would encourage everybody to go and hopefully you will see me at the next one, taking the podium and having my say.

The TUC LGBT+ Conference is a great experience for all LGBT+ trade unionists; the collective support is invaluable. The POA is looking again to offer places to attend the Conference in 2023 so any member who would like to be a delegate to this Conference please make contact. The POA would like to make it clear that our LGBT+ members are part of our Union and we will not tolerate any discrimination by colleagues or managers whether they are POA members or not. If any LGBT+ member is experiencing difficulties in the workplace please contact Joe Simpson or Angela Montgomery so that we can support you.

Representing over 30,000 Prison, Correctional and Secure Psychiatric Workers, the POA is the largest UK Union in this sector, able to trace its roots back more than 100 years.